Poster Participation in International Summer School
July 23rd to August 2nd, 2024
Cargèse, France
We are pleased to announce that Vaso Chrysoulaki and Athanasios Machas, Master’s students from the FORTH, IESL team, successfully participated in the Summer School on Soft Matter Systems: From Fundamentals to Foods, which took place from July 23rd to August 2nd, 2024, in Cargèse, France.
Vaso presented a poster titled:
“Shear-Induced Ordering and Phase Separation of Colloidal Gels Under Oscillatory Shear.”
Athanasios contributed with a poster titled:
“Shear-Induced Tuning of Mechanical Properties and Ionic Conductivity of Composite Polymer Electrolytes.”

Athanasios Machas MSc student at the International Summer School "From Fundamentals to Foods"