WP4: Network building - Technology transfer and sustainability

The aim of WP4 is to establish a Network among partners as well as with external stakeholders such Industrial partners, Regional and National institutions and public bodies. Moreover, we aspire in formulating a sustainable future strategy and a follow up of the technology transfer achieved through the targeted research plan

Description of work

This WP includes several network building activities, aiming to capacity building of FORTH, as described below:

Task 4.1: Build a research Network among partners establishing specific common research projects, arranging exchange visits and preparing common proposal applications (EU and national). The large number or exchange visits between FORTH and the Advance partners (UNIVIE, MPG-C and MPG-P) will facilitate the proposed technical, scientific and administrative transfer of knowledge. In total, we plan 34 outgoing (FORTH personnel to Advance partners’ labs) and 48 incoming (Advanced partners’ personnel to FORTH) visits (typically 1 month each). (see Tables 3.1g for funding details) (D4.1)

Task 4.2: Build a Network with external Industrial and commercial partners. Advance partners will align their efforts to engage FORTH in European industrial projects where its expertise is essential in order to improve its capacity. EUG will create a profile in business social media and will advance the contacts of FORTH and communicate its technological expertise. EUG and FORTH will arrange presentations and direct visits to potential industrial clients to establish collaborations. An Industry-Academia Liaison office will be put together on a pilot basis via a transfer of knowledge from the Advance Partners. It will aim in attracting industrial funding and services in the Soft Matter community of FORTH and enhancing its capacity. (D4.2).

Task 4.3: Build network with Regional and National institutions and public bodies. The activities above will also involve the establishment of a broader consortium in the widening area, centred on FORTH, and including other Soft Matter groups from academic and industrial institutions of Greece. Emphasis will be given in creating strong links with the local government and chambers of commerce so that the coordinator establishes its expertise in RIS3 related technologies. (D4.3)

Task 4.4:  Future common research problems will be identified together with the Advanced partners. These will be the basis for common applications to targeted EU (and other type) of calls for proposals. In total, we expect to apply to 3-5 EU calls in collaboration with the Advanced partners. For this purpose, we will utilize in practice the transfer of knowledge on proposal writing assistance services provided to FORTH from the corresponding offices of the advance partners. (D4.4)